terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

Usando Facebook Insights para obter dados do botão curtir (Like)

In a previous article we provided a tutorial on how to add a Facebook Like button and Box to your blog. Now that visitors are ‘liking’ the articles and Fan Page wouldn’t it be nice to see statistics and demographics that will provide a better understanding of your audience? For example, if a majority of visitors are female (and from Wisconsin) you might want to start selling pink Cheeseheads alongside the blog articles. Stick around as we walk you through a brief and easy tutorial on how to track your Like button, Like box, and Share button using Facebook Insights.

Step 1: Facebook Insights Dashboard

In your browser go to http://www.facebook.com/insights/.
Go to http://www.facebook.com/insights/.Go to http://www.facebook.com/insights/.

Step 2: Insights for your Domain

Once at the dashboard click the green button to the right that reads Insights for your Domain.
The Insights for your Domain button is found on the right side. Plus, it's green.The 'Insights for your Domain' button is found on the right side. Plus, it's green.

Step 3: Get Insights for Your Domain

After clicking the green button the ‘Get Insights for Your Domain’ box will appear. The next step is to type in your website URL to the right of ‘Domain’. Next to ‘Link With’ click the drop-down menu and choose your Fan Page.
Get Insights for your Domain modal box will appear.'Get Insights for your Domain' modal box will appear.

Step 4: The meta property...

Copy the meta property tag provided by Facebook. This will be added to the homepage of your website.
Copy the meta tag provided by Insights.Copy the meta tag provided by Insights.

Step 5: Add the meta tag

Find the homepage, or root file, of your website and add the meta property tag between the beginning and closing tag. (Contact your website team if you are unfamiliar with HTML markup.) Upload the file to the hosting server. Then come back to the Facebook Insights dashboard.
Place the meta property tag in the head of the html document.Place the meta property tag between in head of the html document.

Step 6: Check Domain…

Once at the dashboard click Check Domain.
After adding the meta property tag come back to Insights and click Check Domain.After adding the meta property tag come back to Insights and click Check Domain. Be patient, it might take some time. You will see the following ‘Loading’ screen.
The 'Loading' screen will appear.The 'Loading' screen will appear. A warning might appear if you are not the ‘official’ administrator of the fan page. This means you have to ask the person that first created the fan page to follow the steps above… or log in with their login and password.
Bad Request - An error might appear if you are not the original creator of the Fan Page.Bad Request - An error might appear if you are not the original creator of the Fan Page. Problems? Maybe the Meta tag was not properly added to the homepage of the website. Double-check your Insights settings and markup.


When a graph and a bunch of zeros appear then you know it’s finished. The data will not appear for about 24 hours (could be longer). This might be a good time to increase your fan base… you know… post something interesting on your wall and create content that your fans will find engaging.
Data will not appear in the dashboard right away.Data will not appear in the dashboard right away.

A dashboard of activity

The Sharing dashboard provides analytics about the daily likes, daily shares, feedback per share, and reshare rate. Visit Help Center for more details.
Screenshot of Insights Dashboard for Sharing.Screenshot of Insights Dashboard for Sharing.


Depending on how many fans, Facebook might not provide demographic data, such as age and gender; or geographic data, such as country, city, and spoken language. If your Fan Page does meet the minimum requirements you will have the ability to view the information mentioned above.
Screenshot of Demographics on Insights Dashboard.Screenshot of Demographics on Insights Dashboard.
By understanding and analyzing trends within user growth and demographics, consumption of content, and creation of content, Page owners are better equipped to improve their business with Facebook. - Facebook Help Center


Facebook is providing analytics, both demographically and geographically, to administrators of Fan Pages. This is good news. Think about this; Google Analytics provides a wealth of information (including geographical) but unfortunately cannot (at this time) tell the age or gender of your visitors. Insights through Facebook can provide this type of data. Of course, if someone lies about his or her age then you might have a problem.

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